Stargazing Evening Gathering

Stargazing Evening Gathering, June 11, 2023

What a fabulous Stargazing Evening Gathering at Fisher Farm. Creation guided our worship! We breathed as the sun slowly set around us. We delighted and shared stories of awe, wonder, and joy as the fireflies danced around us. As the stars emerged in the sky, we reflected on the sacred significance of stars woven throughout scripture and in our own lives. We remembered the epiphany story where the Magi followed the stars to find Love-enfleshed. We offered up evening prayers which sounded a lot like the psalmist who wrote poetry praising the stars for their beauty. The stars truly signified for us holy habitation among us.

Receive the blessing we shared at the end of the night:

That in the night

you will ­find

the path, the stars

that will draw you

into the day.


(Jan Richardson)