Who are we?

We are poets, artists, writers, musicians, creatives, thinkers, teachers, learners, listeners, pastors, story tellers, spiritual directors, comedians, wonderers, wanderers, stargazers, scientists, misfits, nomads, seekers and friends. We long for authenticity in relationships and deep spiritual nourishment. We ask questions of what it means to be human and also what it means to be created in the image of God. We seek the holy in this life, a community of belonging, and justice throughout the world. We love to eat, laugh, talk, ask questions, learn, explore, and create art together!

We are…

a community that:

  • Welcomes questions

  • Thrives on intentional conversation and relationship

  • Celebrates God's presence, as expressed through Jesus, in all of our diversity

a community for those:

  • Of all ages, socio-economic statuses, political affiliations, gender identities, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, citizenship statuses, incomes, and abilities

  • Looking for spiritual nourishment outside the traditional church setting.

  • Who do not fit the "contemporary worship" style of many churches

a community that celebrates that:

  • All people are made in the image of God and hold sacred worth

  • LGBTQ+ persons are beloved and beautiful

CLICK to learn more about who we are!

get involved

We offer different ways for you to practice social justice and mercy, engage in spiritual formation, and connect to our community.

what we believe

We are committed to being in community and loving each other because this is how Jesus calls us to live.

join us

We gather throughout the year on Sunday mornings in-person and on Zoom for continued faithful, curious conversation.

Check us out on Social Media